8 replies »

  1. Yes, I read it. Broke my heart for you. I left a comment. I believe in Heaven, which is why I love this letter. It helped me when my sister, brothers, mother, and father died. I am the eldest child. Sometimes, I pick up to call one of them, then realize I cannot, so I talk to them. I believe they can hear me.

    Liked by 2 people

    • My grandfather passed away 4 months ago. When I miss him and realise every time that it’s not possible to see/ talk/ touch him anymore it’s drives me crazy. My mind becomes blank and life seems so fragile. I hate feeling this way but I don’t think this’ll ever stop. I try being strong for my family but hurts so much all the time.
      Your poem is lovely and I feel that’s exactly what he would tell us if had a way.


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