Fellow Bloggers Magnificent Entries

Originally Posted on Boundless Blessing by Kamal

Originally posted on Boundless Blessing by Kamal. I tried to reblog but it did not work. So I copy and pasted it. This is an excellent post.

Why Worry………….

Image result for irish philosophy on worry

There is an excellent ‘Irish Philosophy’ that says it so perfectly on the topic for today:  “Why Worry”.  In simple words it tells us the gist of ‘why are we worrying at all times when Life is so Beautiful’: 

“There are only two things to worry about.

Either you are well or you are sick.

If you are well – then there is nothing to worry about.

If you are sick – there are two things to worry about.

Either you will get well or you will die.

If you get well – there is nothing to worry about.

If you die – there are two things to worry about.

Either you will go to heaven or hell.

If you go to heaven – there is nothing to worry about.

But if you go to hell – you’ll be so damn busy shaking hands with your friends

That You won’t have any time to worry!!

So why Worry. Worry has never done anyone any good. Don’t let your mind wander in worrisome thoughts but work selflessly and leave all your Worries in his Hands who knows what is best for each one of us. Be completely resigned to His Will. Do your best – then don’t worry. Be happy in his Love…………………………….

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