Holiday Season

Post #187 – A Sweet Surprise, Holiday Greetings, and A Poem


Our humble Christmas tree decorated by my wonderful caregiver

My magnificent son Jorge and darling three-year-old granddaughter Charlotte
came to visit us on Thursday. She is a bundle of energetic joy. We could not stop smiling at her antics. What a beautiful Christmas gift they are to us. We received a puzzle set and a musical snow globe. I collect them. Charlotte proudly said that she picked out the puzzle set. 🙂 Papa is tall, Charlotte a tiny moppet –





A Holiday Prayer

A time for pondering, giving, and thankfulness

Regardless of our circumstances

Whether in a foxhole

Or a wheelchair

Feeling sad or depressed

Please know you are never alone

Someone watches over all

One whom I cannot prove exists

But who walked me through every trauma

And somehow finds a way to comfort me

I pray for those whose situations hurt their hearts and minds

That the One who comforts me

Will blanket each with peace that passes understanding

and an inexplicable joy.

Even if hope is a flickering candle,

it still lights up the darkest corner.

An ember, fading and brightening

into flame, it continues to burn.

May this hope permeate

Your soul

So you don’t ever feel

Alone again.


26 replies »

  1. Hi Nancy. What a surprise and pleasure.
    I think of you often and always keep you in my prayers, please keep up the good work. Katie


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