A Photo Story

Post #104 – Happy Moments – and Why I Smile at Them

cloud 7

Driving to the doctor’s office gazing at the backdrop of a radiant blue sky strewn with puffs of cotton candy clouds. I can’t see lovely scenes like this from the confines of my bed through my window blinds.


my view from doc office june 2016

My view lying on a gurney at the wound center. The greenery, the Manatee river, and the cloud-speckled sky make me forget the pain I am experiencing lying there for over an hour.


palm trees manatee mem june 2016

The palm trees in the clinic’s parking lot. Palms have a calming effect on me. Did you know that palm trees are a sign of peace and a symbol of a tropical island paradise?

The symbolism doesn’t end there. Click this link for some interesting trivia about palm trees: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/


yellow flowered tree june 2016

We often pass this sunny yellow tree, one of my favorite colors. It blooms only during springtime and fills me with joy.

Did you know “yellow is the most luminous of all the colors of the spectrum. It’s the color that captures our attention more than any other color. It’s the color of happiness, and optimism, of enlightenment and creativity, sunshine and spring.”

Read more here about its fascinating symbolism: http://www.colormatters.com/the-meanings-of-colors/yellow


red flowers target We made a pit stop at Target and I captured these lovely red buds amidst vibrant greenery. So cozy and romantic.

“Red, the color of blood and fire, is associated with meanings of love, passion, desire, heat, longing, lust, sexuality, sensitivity, romance, joy, strength, leadership, courage, vigor, willpower, rage, anger, danger, malice, wrath, stress, action, vibrancy, radiance, and determination.”

Wow! Seems quite conflicted. 🙂


crane in best buy sidewalk may 2016

A crane ambled passed our van in the Target parking lot, following his mate (who was out of my camera range). How thrilling for a bird-lover like me!


our complex

The street leading to our condo. So pretty. But which also means I will soon be back in my seemingly never-ending-lying-on-my-back-position, confined to my bed. However, it’s not all bad. My bedroom is painted a soothing mauve and antique beige. My baby Victorian rose silky curtains match it perfectly. Peaceful, relaxing, and inspirational.

And I have lots to do on my laptop, blogging, writing, social networking, and hosting my websites. It all keeps me fruitfully busy.


princess br door June 2016

Our pup Princess, faithfully waiting at the bathroom door for Michael to finish his shower – every day! She is a wee bundle of Shih Tzu joy. Did you know Shih Tzu means “little lion”? Hah! She’s a friendly little wimp.


dresser garden June 2016 My prized mahogany dresser topped with a garden of treasures given to me by various loved ones. I stare at them often. A constant reminder of how blessed I am.


better pic of photo wall june 2016 One of my many photo walls with my Nana pillow, given to me by my youngest granddaughter Charlotte, and pics of my kids and grands. I can see these photographs from my bed.


crochetting arsenal

And last, but not least, my crocheting and needlepoint arsenal, of which I have no idea how to do. However, see that rich brown yarn? I started crocheting a potholder by watching. (the same clip several times), a step-by-step, crochet teacher who slowly went through each step on a Youtube video. I got as far as two rows. I have desperately been trying to learn how to “turn my work”. I look at my beautiful in-the-works potholder and sigh. Looks like my kitchen will never enjoy the beauty that my first completed crocheting project would add to it.

Anyway, that’s it. Hope it wasn’t too long and that some enjoyed travelling with me through days of my limited life. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂



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